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The following examples are the CSSToXSLFO manual and some W3C documents, which are first converted and then formatted with XEP4. Their contents has not been altered. Note, however, that they can't be used as a reference.

A few technical modifications were necessary. They were done manually. First the documents were converted to XHTML using Tidy in the following command-line:

  tidy -asxhtml -indent -wrap -1 <input_file> > \

Then their table of contents was modified in order to support leaders and page references. Finally, the following piece of CSS was added:

  @media print
    body { font-family: serif; } > span:before
      { content: page-ref(class); }
    div.toc { text-align-last: justify; }

      display: leader;
      leader-pattern: dots;

The command-line to produce the PDF files was the following:

  java -Dcom.renderx.xep.CONFIG=/var/local/XEP4/xep.xml \
    -jar /var/local/XEP4/lib/css2xep.jar <input_file> \
    -pdf <output_file> html-header-mark=h2
Document Modified Formatted Comments
CSSToXSLFO manual PDF A pre-processing XSLT style sheet was used to generate the table of contents, as well as an external CSS style sheet.
XML Schema Part 0: Primer XHTML PDF The colspans of table B1.b were corrected to reflect seven columns instead of nine.
XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 XHTML PDF
XForms 1.0 XHTML PDF
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.1 XHTML PDF Some col elements were added here and there.