User Guide
Version 1.4.1
Werner Donné
13th April 2007
The CSSToXSLFO User Guide

© 2004-2007 Re. All rights granted.

This software is free and will remain free.

To use at your own responsibility.


CSSToXSLFO is a tool which converts an XML document, combined with a CSS2 style sheet, into an XSL-FO file. It has some special provisions for XHTML, which is also an XML vocabulary. The tool implements a reasonable subset of CSS2. It also adds a few extensions for handling page-related issues properly. Note that the tool is not a general-purpose printing tool for any kind of HTML pages you can find on the Internet.

The goal of CSSToXSLFO is to provide a rather easy interface to fine printing environments that use XSL-FO as their input. It is a compromise between the simplicity of style sheet expression and the quality of the result. XSL-FO is quite difficult. Writing style sheets that produce it are mostly written in XSLT, which is not straightforward to everyone either. CSS on the other hand is rather simple and yet it is powerful. In fact it combines element selection and formatting specification in one easy-to-learn syntax. The cost is that a lot of interesting XSL-FO features are not available.

An area where the tool can be a plus is the programmatic generation of reports within applications. The variety in style for reports is not that great. The offered feature set of CSSToXSLFO can be sufficient. Having report programmers learn XSL-FO and XSLT is not always an option, while many know CSS and XHTML well enough to be productive with it.

Another use-case for CSSToXSLFO is writing documents in XML. One can put work in a style sheet once and reuse that through the mark-up paradigm, in which content and formatting are separated. The formatting features should be sufficient to produce day-to-day documents in a typical business environment. Such documents don't tend to be very complicated, with respect to layout that is.

In Practice

Specifying Style Sheets

The most general way of specifying a style sheet for a document with CSSToXSLFO is the proposal in section 2.2 of [CSS2]. It consists of a processing instruction, which precedes the document, looking like this:

  <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="style.css"?>

For XHTML there are a few additional options. You can use the link element to link a style sheet (only persistent style sheets) to the document or you can embed it with the style element. The style attribute is also available as specified in [XHTML].

Running It

There are six packages you can run from the command-line: one that produces plain XSL-FO, one that returns the output of XEP, a product from RenderX (http://​www.​renderx.​com), another that returns the output of XSLFormatter, a product from Antenna House (http://​, yet another that returns the output of Xinc, a product from Lunasil LTD (http://​www.​lunasil.​com) and finally, two that run FOP (http://​xml.​apache.​org/​fop/). One is for version 0.20.5 and the other for version 0.92beta. The 0.20.5 one comes with a filter that removes a few properties, which are not supported by FOP. This makes FOP complain less.

You need JDK1.3 or higher to run the packages. For 1.3 you should create a classpath with a namespace-aware XML parser and an XSLT processor. The command-lines look as follows for plain CSSToXSLFO:

  > java -jar css2xslfo.jar url_or_filename <options>

For XEP3:

  > java -Dcom.renderx.xep.ROOT=<XEP location> -jar css2xep.jar
      url_or_filename <options>

For XEP4:

  > java -Dcom.renderx.xep.CONFIG=<XEP location>/xep.xml
      -jar <XEP location>/lib/css2xep.jar url_or_filename

For XSLFormatter:

  > set dynamic library path to <XSLFormatter location>/lib
  > set environment variable AH_FONT_CONFIGFILE to
      <XSLFormatter location>/etc/font-config.xml
  > java -jar <XSLFormatter location>/lib/css2xsl.jar
      url_or_filename <options>

For Xinc:

  > java -jar css2xinc.jar url_or_filename <options>

For FOP 0.20.5:

  > java -jar css2fop.jar url_or_filename <options>

For FOP 0.92beta:

  > java -jar css2fopnew.jar url_or_filename <options>

Additional system properties and/or enviroment variables can be set. Please consult the product-specific documentation for this.

In order for css2xep.jar to work, you should place it in the <XEP location>/lib directory and create a link to or a copy of your XEP JAR file with the name xep.jar. Since XEP4 the link or copy are no longer needed, because the XEP JAR file has the expected name. For css2xsl.jar to work, you should place it in <XSLFormatter location>/lib. The css2fop.jar file needs to be next to fop.jar, which should be next to the packages is uses. Therefore you should copy fop.jar from the FOP build directory to its lib directory. The css2xinc.jar should be in the XINC lib directory.

CSSToXSLFO uses the XSLT-processor that comes with the JDK1.4, which is Xalan from Apache. For better performance you can prepend Xalan 2.6.0+ or Saxon 8.3+ to your boot classpath as follows (assuming /usr/local as the installation directory of Xalan):

  > java -Xbootclasspath/p:/usr/local/xalan-j_2_6_0/bin/xalan.jar
      -jar css2xslfo.jar url_or_filename <options>

You can also use JDK1.5, which comes with a faster XSLT processor.

For XEP there is a special note. You have to specify another XSLT processor, because XEP uses Saxon 6.5.x, with which it doesn't work. You can either prepend another XSLT processor to the boot classpath or you can simply copy saxon8.jar in the XEP lib directory.

Common Options

The following options are common to all six variants. The document to be processed can be specified with a URL or filename. If it is omitted, stdin will be read.

-baseurl <URL>
Change the base URL of the input document. By default it is the URL of the document itself.
-c <URL or filename>
Specify a catalog in the format defined by SGML Open Technical Resolution TR9401:1997. Only the PUBLIC and SYSTEM keywords are supported.
Display the command-line syntax.
-p <comma-separated list of URLs or filenames>
A list of pre-processing XSLT style sheets that are executed on the input document, in the specified order, before anything else.
-uacss <URL or filename>
Use another User Agent style sheet than the one built-in.
Turn on XML validation of the input document.
Specify User Agent parameters. Equivalent CSS constructs precede these.

Options Specific To css2xslfo.jar

Produces a number of intermediary files representing the different processing steps.
-fo <filename>
The XSL-FO output file. If it is omitted stdout will be written instead.

Options Specific To css2xep.jar

One the following options should be specified.

-pdf <filename>
The PDF output file.
-ps <filename>
The PostScript output file.
-config <URL or filename>
The XEP configuration file.
Makes XEP silent.

Options Specific To css2xsl.jar

-pdf <filename>
The PDF output file. This option is mandatory.

Options Specific To css2fop.jar

-fc <filename>
A user configuration file.
-pdf <filename>
The PDF output file.
-ps <filename>
The PostScript output file.
Makes FOP silent.
-svg <filename>
The SVG output file.

Options Specific To css2fopnew.jar

-fc <filename>
A user configuration file.
-pdf <filename>
The PDF output file.
-ps <filename>
The PostScript output file.
-svg <filename>
The SVG output file.

Options Specific To css2xinc.jar

One the following options should be specified.

-pdf <filename>
The PDF output file.

User Agent Parameters

The User Agent parameters are common to all three packages. They have no effect if there are @page rules in the style sheet, except for the rule-thickness parameter. Furthermore, equivalent CSS constructs, when present in the style sheet, always precede.

The number of columns on a page. The default is 1.
The country code. The default is GB.
The point size of the font. The default for paper sizes a5 and b5 is 10pt. For all other paper sizes the default is 11pt. See also the paper-size parameter.
An HTML element can be passed here. Its contents will be used as the running header. By default there is no mark.
The language code. The default is en.
The amount by which the page contents is shifted in the inline progression direction when the paper mode is twosided. The default is 10mm. See also the paper-mode parameter.
The allowed values are portrait, which is the default, and landscape.
The bottom margin of a page. The default is 0mm.
The left margin of a page. The default is 25mm.
The right margin of a page. The default is 25mm.
The top margin of a page. The default is 10mm.
The allowed values are onesided, which is the default, and twosided.
The allowed values are a4, which is the default, a0, a1, a2, a3, a5, b5, executive, letter and legal.
The default thickness for rules when there was no CSS specification for it. The default is 0.2pt.
The XSL-FO writing mode. The default is lr-tb. Other possible values are rl-tb, tb-rl, lr, rl and tb. See also [XSL-FO].


The tool comes with an ANT file. The default target only builds the css2xslfo.jar file. Then there are also the xep, xsl, xinc, fop and fopnew targets, which produce css2xep.jar, css2xsl.jar, css2xinc.jar, css2fop.jar and css2fopnew.jar respectively.

Ant Tasks

In each package there is a corresponding Ant task. The following table gives the respective class names.

Package Ant task class name

Common Options

All tasks support the nested elements parameter and preprocessor. With the former the parameters described in User Agent Parameter can be specified through its name and value attributes. With the latter a sequence of pre-processing XSLT style sheets can be provided. Its stylesheet attribute should be set to a filename or URL. The following attributes are common to all tasks.

Attribute Description Required
baseurl Change the base URL of the input document. By default it is the URL of the document itself. No
catalog Specify a catalog in the format defined by SGML Open Technical Resolution TR9401:1997. Only the PUBLIC and SYSTEM keywords are supported. No
input The input document as a URL or filename. Yes
output The output document as a filename. The format is derived from its extension. Yes
useragentstylesheet Use another User Agent style sheet than the one built-in. No
validate Turn on XML validation of the input document. Defaults to false. No

Options Specific To css2xep.jar

Attribute Description Required
config The XEP configuration file. It may be a filename or a URL. No
quiet Makes XEP silent. No

Options Specific To css2fop.jar

Attribute Description Required
config A user configuration file. No
quiet Makes FOP silent. No

Options Specific To css2fopnew.jar

Attribute Description Required
config A user configuration file. No

Compliance With CSS2


Section Implemented Remarks and restrictions
4.1 Syntax yes Thanks to Flute.
4.2 Rules for handling parsing errors partial Unknown properties will end up in the XSL-FO file and cause errors in a XSL-FO processor.
4.3 Values yes Thanks to Flute.
4.4 CSS document representation yes Thanks to Flute.
5 Selectors partial All sections but 5.11.2 and 5.11.3. The :first-letter pseudo element is implemented with the restriction that letter combinations, which are considered as one letter, are not examined. As a workaround you can use the ligature Unicode characters instead. The vertical-align is also valid when float is none. In that case it applies to the inline material which is affected by the pseudo element.
6 Assigning property values, Cascading and Inheritance yes
7 Media types yes By design, only types all and print are supported.
8 Box model yes
9.1.1 The viewport no
9.1.2 Containing blocks yes
9.2.1 Block-level elements and block boxes partial Compact and run-in boxes are not supported.
9.2.2 Inline-level elements and inline boxes partial Compact and run-in boxes and inline tables are not supported.
9.2.3 Compact boxes no
9.2.4 Run-in boxes no
9.2.5 The 'display' property partial See property table.
9.3 Positioning schemes yes
9.4 Normal flow yes
9.5 Floats yes
9.6 Absolute positioning yes
9.7 Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float' yes
9.9 Layered presentation yes
9.10 Text direction: the 'direction' and 'unicode-bibi' properties yes
10 Visual formatting model details partial See the property table for the height property.
11 Visual effects yes
12.1 The :before and :after pseudo-elements yes
12.2 The 'content' property yes
12.3 Interaction of :before and :after with 'compact' and 'run-in' elements no
12.4 Quotation marks yes
12.5 Automatic counters and numbering yes
12.6.1 Markers: the 'marker-offset' property yes
12.6.2 Lists: the 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', 'list-style-position', and 'list-style' properties partial The list-style-image property is not supported. See also the property table.
13.2.1 Page margins yes
13.2.2 Page size: the 'size' property yes
13.2.3 Crop marks: the 'marks' property no
13.2.4 Left, right, and first pages yes
13.2.5 Content outside the page box yes
13.3 Page breaks partial Named pages are only supported for block-level and table elements, which are not inside of a table and have an ancestor with the region property set to body.
13.4 Cascading in the page context yes
14 Colors and Backgrounds yes
15 Fonts partial @font-face and descriptors are not supported.
16 Text yes
17 Tables partial Inline tables are not supported. Anonymous table objects are only supported for missing table groups and missing table cells in a row, on the condition that there are table column elements. Audio rendering is not supported.
18 User interface no
19 Aural style sheets no


Property Implemented Remarks and restrictions
azimuth no
background yes
background-attachment yes
background-color yes
background-image yes
background-position yes
background-repeat yes
border yes
border-bottom yes
border-bottom-color yes
border-bottom-style yes
border-bottom-width yes
border-collapse partial Not for inline-table.
border-color yes
border-left yes
border-left-color yes
border-left-style yes
border-left-width yes
border-right yes
border-right-color yes
border-right-style yes
border-right-width yes
border-spacing partial Not for inline-table.
border-style yes
border-top yes
border-top-color yes
border-top-style yes
border-top-width yes
borded-width yes
bottom yes
caption-side yes
clear yes
clip yes
color yes
content yes
counter-increment yes
counter-reset yes
cue no
cue-after no
cue-before no
cursor no
direction yes
display partial The values run-in, compact and inline-table are not supported. The marker value is supported with the limiation that the value auto for the width property is not. Markers also don't work with floats.
elevation no
empty-cells yes
float yes
fonts yes
font-family yes
font-size yes
font-size-adjust yes
font-stretch yes
font-style yes
font-variant yes
font-weight yes
height partial A percentage value for the height of a block, which is in another block with an explicit height, will be treated as auto. This stems from the fact that in this case a block has to be split in a fo:block-container and a nested fo:block, because there are properties that don't apply to both of them. The inner original block will therefore have a parent without an explicit height specification. The latter has moved to the surrounding fo:block-container.
left yes
letter-spacing yes
line-height yes
list-style partial See individual properties.
list-style-image no
list-style-position partial A list should be uniform. Specifying different values for different list items will produce undesired results.
list-style-type partial

Only the values disc, circle, square, decimal, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, lower-latin, upper-alpha, upper-latin and none are supported. The additional glyphs defined in [CSS3L] are also supported. Those are box, check, diamond and hyphen.

A list should be uniform. Specifying different values for different list items will produce undesired results.

margin yes
margin-bottom yes
margin-left yes
margin-right yes
margin-top yes
marker-offset yes
marks no
max-height yes
max-width yes
min-height yes
min-width yes
orphans yes
outline no
outline-color no
outline-style no
outline-width no
overflow yes
padding yes
padding-bottom yes
padding-left yes
padding-right yes
padding-top yes
page partial Only for block-level and table elements, which are not inside of a table and have an ancestor with the region property set to body.
page-break-after yes
page-break-before yes
page-break-inside yes
pause no
pause-after no
pause-before no
pitch no
play-during no
play-range no
position yes
quotes yes
richness no
right yes
size yes
speak no
speak-header no
speak-numeral no
speak-punctuation no
speech-rate no
stress no
table-layout yes
text-align yes
text-decoration yes
text-indent yes
text-transform yes
top yes
unicode-bibi yes
vertical-align yes
visibility yes
voice-family no
volume no
white-space yes
widows yes
width yes
word-spacing yes
z-index yes


The extension features of the tool mostly pertain to page-oriented aspects. Care has been taken to not introduce new syntax. There are, however, a number of new properties. Those are normally safely ignored by browsers. In the case where there would be an impact on the layout produced by browsers, the properties can be confined to the print medium through @media rules.

Page Regions

This extension introduces XSL-FO-compatible page regions. Regions can be defined by placing a region property on an element. The allowed values are bottom, left, right, top and body. At least one element with the region property set to body should be present in the document.The XHTML User Agent style sheet sets this property to the body element. Page sequences are only generated for the content of such an element. The regions other than the body region must be the first direct children of the body region. Otherwise they are ignored. In the case of XHTML, for example, this means that they should come at the beginning of the body element.

On top of that, either the width property, for left and right regions, or the height property, for top and bottom regions, should be defined. They will determine the dimensions of the page regions. The default value for width is 20mm. For height it is 10mm.

The extension property precedence is also available for the top and bottom regions. Its value can be true or false, the latter being the initial value. The property says whether the width of the top or bottom region is equal to that of the page reference area or if they give way to the left and right regions.

The regions work together with the @page rules, of which there should be at least one. It is possible to specify different regions, which correspond to the different page types in the style sheet. This can be achieved by also specifying the page property, which is a standard CSS2 property. Consider the following example:

  div.bottom-left, div.bottom-right { display: none; }

  @media print
      height: 15mm;
      page: left;
      region: bottom;
      text-align: left;

      height: 15mm;
      page: right;
      region: bottom;
      text-align: right;
    } { content: counter(page); }

This says that on left pages the bottom region is left-aligned, while on right pages it is right-aligned. The span element is used in the following region definitions:

  <div class="bottom-left">
    <div><span class="page"/></div>

  <div class="bottom-right">
    <div><span class="page"/></div>

The page property bears a kind of inheritance mechanism. For any page the regions with the most specific page property will be selected. A region without a page property is the least specific. A named page is more specific and the values left and right are yet more specific. After this comes the new pseudo page blank, which is for blank pages that are generated because of page positioning constraints such as left and right. The first page of a chapter, for example, is sometimes forced to be a right page. This can produce an extra blank page for the previous chapter. In fact, this maps directly to the XSL-FO blank pages. There are special values, which are even more specific, such as first-right, blank-left, left-<page-name>, etc. If, for example, there is no bottom region for first-right, but there is one for first, the latter will be selected if the first page happens to on the right. See section page for the precise precedence rules.

In order for the top, bottom, left and right region elements not to interfere with the normal flow it is best to set their display type to none.

Page Numbering

The two special counters page and pages in this tool are taken over from the CSS3 Paged Media Module (see also [CSS3P]). The page can be used just like any other counter, except that it is confined to the regions. The following example shows a document with a preface and a body. Each reset the page count. The preface has a lower Roman numbering style, while the body uses the decimal style. If the body page didn't reset the counter, numbering would continue from the preface, but with a change of style.

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
  <html xmlns="">
      <style type="text/css">
  @page preface
    counter-reset: page;
    margin: 10%;

  @page body
    counter-reset: page;
    margin: 10%;
    page: preface;
    region: bottom;
    page: body;
    region: bottom;
  div.bottom-preface >
    content: counter(page, lower-roman);
  div.bottom-body >
    content: counter(page, decimal);
  div.preface { page: preface; }
  div.body { page: body; }
      <div class="bottom-preface"><span class="page"/></div>
      <div class="bottom-body"><span class="page"/></div>
      <div class="preface">
      <div class="body">

When switching between named pages you can control how the ending named page sequence should be terminated with the extension property force-page-count. For example, it some page sequence produces five pages, you can force the sequence to produce six pages by setting the property to even. An extra blank page will then be generated before starting the new page sequence. If you don't want such behaviour, you should set the property to no-force, since the initial value is auto.

Page References

You sometimes want to write phrases like The diagram on page 19 .... The CSSToXSLFO tool provides this functionality through the page-ref function, which can be used in the content property. Its only parameter is the name of an attribute that contains the ID of another element. The function call will be replaced with the number of the page that element is on.

In XHTML it is a bit more complicated to achieve the desired result, because there aren't many extension attributes available for it. The following fragment shows how it can be done:

  <img id="img1" src="file:///t.png"/>
  <span class="page-ref"><span class="img1"/></span>

The accompanying style sheet rule would then be: > span:before { content: page-ref(class); }


It is possible to use XSL-FO leaders through the display type leader. The properties defined in section 7.21 of [XSL-FO] (Leader and Rule Properties) can be used in a CSS style sheet, with the exception that the leader-length property cannot have a length range as a value. If you want to create table of contents lines or something similar, you also need the XSL-FO property text-align-last, described in section 7.15.10 of [XSL-FO]. The following example shows how a table of contents line could be made in XHTML.

  <div class="toc">
    <a href="#chapter1">Title of Chapter 1</a>
    <span class="leader"/>
    <span class="page-ref"><span class="chapter1"/></span>

The piece of style sheet that goes with it is:

    text-align-last: justify;

    display: leader;
    leader-pattern: dots;
    leader-pattern-width: 5pt;
  } > span:before
    content: page-ref(class);

Named Strings

Named strings, as described in [CSS3G], are supported in CSSToXSLFO. This consists of the string-set property, with which contents can be captured, and the string() function. The latter can occur in the value of the content property. The string-set property accepts values which are similar to those of the content property. There is an additional keyword contents, which is replaced with the string value of the element carrying the string-set property.

The following is a simple XHTML example of how you can create a running header that refers to the current chapter.

    <div class="top">
      <span class="mark"/>
    <h1>Chapter Title</h1>

Here is the bit of style sheet that does it:
    region: top;
    display: none;
  } > span.mark:before { content: string(mark); }

  h1 { string-set: mark contents; }


Text can be hyphenated through the hyphenate property, which is inherited. The possible values are true and false. Hyphenation is turned off by default.


It is possible to produce footnotes using the footnote-reference and footnote-body display types. The former is displayed in the flow, while the latter goes to the footnote area at the bottom of the page. When a footnote body occurs it must be either immediately preceded by a footnote reference or have a :before pseudo element with the display type footnote-reference. Otherwise it is treated as if the display were none. Whitespace between a footnote reference and body is gobbled. A footnote reference can also occur on its own.

The contents of both the footnote reference and body is free. Both display types exist to give you complete control over the contents and style. Usually some footnote counter is used, as shown in the example below. There is an extra counter style footnote, which produces symbols, such as an asterix, dagger, etc.

  h1 { counter-reset: footnote; }

    display: footnote-body;
    font-size: 0.83em;

    content: counter(footnote);
    padding-right: 1em;

    display: footnote-reference;

    counter-increment: footnote;
    content: counter(footnote);
    font-size: 0.83em;
    vertical-align: super;

In the document a footnote would then look like this:

  <p>Paragraph text.<span class="footnote-reference"/><span
  class="footnote-body">Footnote text.</span></p>

You might find it cumbersome to have to place a footnote reference in front of every footnote body. It can be avoided, at the expense of formatting control however. You can define a :before pseudo element for the footnote body and give it the display type footnote-reference. Whatever contents it generates will then be used for the reference in the flow, as well as in the footnote body at the bottom of the page. As a consequence, the style is constrained by the fact that it must be decent for both contexts. The style sheet becomes a bit simpler:

  h1 { counter-reset: footnote; }

    display: footnote-body;
    font-size: 0.83em;

    counter-increment: footnote;
    content: counter(footnote);
    display: footnote-reference;
    font-size: 0.83em;
    vertical-align: super;

If you want full control over the formatting in both contexts and at the same time want to omit the footnote reference elements in the document, the solution is to pre-process the document. The transformation is rather trivial.


You can rotate text with the orientation property. This works only for block, table and table cell elements. The possible values are 0, 90, 180, 270, -90, -180, -270. They represent the degrees in the counter-clockwise direction. The initial value is 0.

List Style Types

The glyphs for the list-style-type property, as defined in [CSS3L], are implemented.


With the properties column-count, which must be strictly positive, and column-gap, which is a length, a multi-column layout can be specified for a page. Both properties are allowed in an @page rule. As a consequence, if you want to switch between column modes, you have to switch pages as well.

With the column-span property a blocks and tables, that are not themselves inside of another table, can be made to span all the columns of a multi-column page. The allowed values for the property are all and none.

Change Bars

The change bar properties introduced in [XSL-FO11] are available for :before and :after pseudo elements. For the latter, only the change-bar-class property is relevant. The following is a simple example:

    change-bar-class: changed;
    change-bar-style: solid; /* initial value is none */
    change-bar-width: 0.2pt;

  p.changed:after { change-bar-class: changed; }

Note that this feature only works for XEP4 at the moment.


The link property can have the name of an attribute as its value. The value of that attribute will be used for the generated link, as the target URL or the internal target ID, if it is an IDREF attribute, which distinguishes it from a relative URL. Likewise, the value of the anchor property can be the name of an attribute, the value of which will become the target ID. This way an internal link destination can be created. For example:

  a[href] { link: href; }
  a[name] { anchor: name; }


An external graphic can be included in a document through the display type graphic. The XSL-FO properties content-height, content-width, content-type, scaling and scaling-method are supported. Their definition is in [XSL-FO]. The property src is interpreted differently. Its value should be the name of an attribute that has a URI for a value. For the XHTML element img, for example, the User Agent style sheet contains the following:

    content-height: scale-to-fit;
    content-width: scale-to-fit;
    display: graphic;
    scaling: uniform;
    src: src;

Column And Row Spanning

In XHTML one can specify column and row spanning with the colspan and rowspan attributes on the td and th elements. It is, however, also possible to apply CSS to other XML vocabularies. Hence, there should be an equivalent feature in CSS to express this. The extension properties colspan and rowspan serve that purpose. They can be used for elements with the display type table-cell.

Proportional Column Widths

Again in XHTML it is possible to say that a column should occupy a relative portion of the total table width. It is done by setting the width attribute to a number, followed by an asterix. If we have, for example, three columns with the widths 1*, 2* and 3*, they occupy 1, 2 and 3 sixth of the table width respectively. This is not part of the HTML specification, but it is a widely supported feature.

In order to provide it for other XML vocabularies then XHTML, the unit pcw, which stands for proportional column width, is available for the width property of an element with the display type table-column.

Repeating Table Headers And Footers

By default table headers and footers are repeated when a table spans several pages. You can suppress this by setting the table-omit-header-at-break and table-omit-footer-at-break properties to true respectively.

CSS3 Namespaces

Namespaces for selectors, as defined in [CSS3S], are implemented. This means you can use namespace prefixes in element selectors and attribute conditions. The prefixes are separated from the local name with a pipe sign (|).

The namespaces are declared with the @namespace rule, which should always come right after the @import rules if there are any. In the following example the XHTML namespace has been declared as the default namespace. Next to that, the DeltaXML namespace is declared with the prefix dx. You also see the use of the attr function with an attribute that has a prefix.

  @namespace url(;
  @namespace dx

  *[dx|delta=add], dx|new
    text-decoration: underline;

  *[dx|delta=delete], dx|old
    text-decoration: line-through;

    content: attr(dx|delta);
    display: marker;
    marker-offset: 0.5em;
    text-align: right;


When processing XML in general you might encounter elements which represent pure structure, i.e. they are not directly related to layout. For such elements there shouldn't be any formatting objects in the output. Normally you would have to pre-process the document in order to get rid of them in the proper way.

The display type wrapper is introduced to cope with common cases. When an element has this display type, it will not contribute any formatting objects. However, its inherited properties will be passed on to its child elements, according to the property inheritance rules.

With respect to XML processing, a wrapper seems to be transparant. Note however that, while a wrapper can occur anywhere, it influences CSS selector matching. For instance, it will interfere with direct sibling and direct child selectors.

Foreign Elements

With the display type foreign it is possible to transfer part of a document unmodified to an fo:instream-foreign-object element. This may be useful for elements that are in another namespace than that of the document itself and which are supported by the XSL-FO processor. Typical examples are SVG and MathML.

Property Specifications


Value: <identifier> | attr(X)
Initial: none
Applies to: block-level and inline-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
The qualified name of an attribute, the value of which is the target ID. This type of value is deprecated, because it doesn't support namespace prefixes.
This returns the value of the attribute of the subject with the qualified name X. The CSS3 namespace prefixes are supported. The value is the target ID.


Value: <name>
Initial: none, value required
Applies to: before and after pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
An NCName, as defined in [NAMES], to allow pairing of before and after elements, which don't have to belong to the same element. This way a change bar context is created.


Value: <color>
Initial: the value of the color property
Applies to: before pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
Specifies the color of the change bar.


Value: <length>
Initial: 6pt
Applies to: before pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
Gives the distance from the edge of the column area containing the text that is marked as changed to the center of the generated change bar. A positive distance is directed away from the column region and into the margin regardless of the change-bar-placement property. Relative lengths (i.e., percentage values and lengths with units of em) are not permitted for the value of this property.


Value: left | right | inside | outside | alternate
Initial: start
Applies to: before pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
When there are exactly two columns, the change bar will be offset from the left edge of all column one areas and the right edge of all column two areas; when there are any other number of columns, this value is equivalent to outside.
If the page binding edge is on the left-edge, the change bar will be offset from the left edge of all column areas. If the binding is the right-edge, the change bar will be offset from the right edge of all column areas. If the page binding edge is on neither the left-edge nor right-edge, the change bar will be offset from the left edge of all column areas.
The change bar will be offset from the left edge of all column areas.
If the page binding edge is on the left-edge, the change bar will be offset from the right edge of all column areas. If the binding is the right-edge, the change bar will be offset from the left edge of all column areas. If the page binding edge is on neither the left-edge nor right-edge, the change bar will be offset from the right edge of all column areas.
The change bar will be offset from the right edge of all column areas.


Value: <border-style>
Initial: none
Applies to: before pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print


Value: <border-width>
Initial: medium
Applies to: before pseudo elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
Relative lengths (i.e., percentage values and lengths with units of em) are not permitted for the value of this property.


Value: <integer>
Initial: 1
Applies to: table cells
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
Expresses the number of columns the table cell will span. The value must be larger than or equal to 1.


Value: <integer>
Initial: 1
Applies to: the page context
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
The value must be larger than or equal to 1.


Value: <length> | <percentage>
Initial: 12.0pt
Applies to: the page context
Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to the width of the body region
Media: print
This is an unsigned length, If a negative value has been specified a value of 0pt will be used.
The value is a percentage of the width of the body region.


Value: none | all
Initial: none
Applies to: block elements which are not in table elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
This element spans all columns of a multi-column region.
This element does not span multiple columns of a multi-column region.


Value: auto | scale-to-fit | <length> | <percentage>
Initial: auto
Applies to: graphic elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: intrinsic height
Media: print
The content-height should be the intrinsic content-height.
A size of the content-height equal to the height of the viewport. This implies a certain scaling factor to be applied onto the content.
An absolute size for the content-height. This implies a certain scaling factor to be applied onto the content.
A percentage representing a scaling factor applied to the intrinsic height.


Value: auto | <string>
Initial: auto
Applies to: graphic elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: intrinsic height
Media: print
No identification of the content-type. The User Agent may determine it by sniffing or by other means.
A specification of the content-type in terms of a mime-type, which has the form content-type: followed by a mime content-type, e.g., content-type="content-type:image/svg+xml".


Value: auto | scale-to-fit | <length> | <percentage>
Initial: auto
Applies to: graphic elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: intrinsic width
Media: print
The content-width should be the intrinsic content-width.
A size of the content-width equal to the width of the viewport. This implies a certain scaling factor to be applied onto the content.
An absolute size for the content-width. This implies a certain scaling factor to be applied onto the content.
A percentage representing a scaling factor applied to the intrinsic width.


This section specifies additional values for the property.

Value: footnote-body | footnote-reference | foreign | graphic | leader | wrapper
Initial: inline
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
The contents of the element goes to the footnote area. The element must be either immediately preceded by an element of type footnote-reference or have a :before pseudo element of that type. Otherwise it is treated as if its display type were none. Whitespace between a footnote reference and body is removed. In case a pseudo element is used, the contents it generates is displayed in the flow, as well as in the footnote body.
This is an inline variant. Its contents is displayed in the flow. It can occur without a following footnote-body element.
If an element has this display type, it is placed unmodified in an fo:instream-foreign-object element.
This display type is used to include external graphics.
This display type is used to produce XSL-FO leaders.
An element with this display type doesn't contribute any formatting objects. Its inherited properties are nevertheless inherited by its subtree.


Value: auto | even | odd | end-on-even | end-on-odd | no-force
Initial: auto
Applies to: the page context
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print

The property is used to impose a constraint on the number of pages in a page sequence. In the event that this constraint is not satisfied, an additional page will be added to the end of the sequence. This page becomes the last page of that sequence.

Force the last page in this page sequence to be an odd page if the initial page number of the next page sequence is even. Force it to be an even page if the initial page number of the next page sequence is odd. If there is no next page sequence or if the value of its initial page number is auto do not force any page.
Force an even number of pages in this page sequence.
Force an odd number of pages in this page sequence.
Force the last page in this page sequence to be an even page.
Force the last page in this page sequence to be an odd page.
Do not force either an even or an odd number of pages in this page sequence.


Value: false | true
Initial: false
Applies to: block-level and inline-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
Hyphenation is not active for the text in this element.
Hyphenation is active for the text in this element.


Value: none | reference-area | page
Initial: none
Applies to: leader elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: print

Specifies whether leader elements having identical content and property values shall have their patterns aligned with each other, with respect to their common reference-area or page. For leader elements where the leader-pattern property is specified as dots or as use-content, this property will be honored. If the leader elements is aligned, the left-edge of each cycle of the repeated pattern will be placed on the left-edge of the next cycle in the appropriate pattern-alignment grid.

Leader-pattern has no special alignment.
Leader-pattern is aligned as if it began on the current page's left-edge.
Leader-pattern is aligned as if it began on the current reference-area's content-rectangle left-edge.


Value: <length> | <percentage>
Initial: 12.0pt
Applies to: leader elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: refer to the width of the content-rectangle of the parent area.
Media: print
Sets the length of a leader element.
Sets the length of a leader element to a percentage of the width of the content-rectangle of the parent area.


Value: space | rule | dots | use-content
Initial: space
Applies to: leader elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
Leader is to be filled with a repeating sequence of dots. The choice of dot character is dependent on the user agent.
Leader is to be filled with a rule. If this choice is selected, the rule-thickness and rule-style properties are used to set the leader's style.
Leader is to be filled with blank space.
Leader is to be filled with a repeating pattern as specified by the children of the leader element.


Value: use-font-metrics | <length> | <percentage>
Initial: use-font-metrics
Applies to: leader elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: refer to the width of the content-rectangle of the parent area.
Media: print
Use the width of the leader-pattern as determined from its font metrics.
Sets the length for leader-pattern-repeating. The leader will have an inline-space inserted after each pattern cycle to account for any difference between the width of the pattern as determined by the font metrics and the width specified in this property. If the length specified is less than the value that would be determined via the use-font-metrics choice, the value of this property is computed as if use-font-metrics choice had been specified.
Sets the length for leader-pattern-repeating to a percentage of the width of the content-rectangle of the parent area.

For leader elements where the leader-pattern property is specified as dots or as use-content, this property will be honored.

Value: <identifier> | attr(X)
Initial: none
Applies to: block-level and inline-level elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
The qualified name of an attribute, the value of which is either a target ID or a URI. It is considered as an ID if the attribute is of type IDREF. This way a distinction is made with a relative URL. Note that the attribute type information should be available. This requires a document type definition. This type of value is deprecated, because it doesn't support namespace prefixes.
This returns the value of the attribute of the subject with the qualified name X. The CSS3 namespace prefixes are supported. The value is considered as an ID if the attribute is of type IDREF. This way a distinction is made with a relative URL. Note that the attribute type information should be available. This requires a document type definition.


This section specifies additional glyph values for the property.

Value: box | check | diamond | hyphen
Initial: disc
Applies to: elements with display: list-item
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
A hollow square.
A check mark.
A filled diamond.
A hyphen bullet.


Value: 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270
Initial: 0
Applies to: block, table and table cell elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
The material in this element is not rotated.
The material in this element is rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise with respect to the containing block element.
The material in this element is rotated 180 degrees counter-clockwise with respect to the containing block element.
The material in this element is rotated 270 degrees counter-clockwise with respect to the containing block element.
The material in this element is rotated 90 degrees clockwise with respect to the containing block element.
The material in this element is rotated 180 degrees clockwise with respect to the containing block element.
The material in this element is rotated 270 degrees clockwise with respect to the containing block element.


This section specifies the property in the context of static regions. It defines the pages to which the static region applies. If more than one static region of the same kind (left, right, top or bottom) applies to a page, the most specific is selected, i.e. the one for which the most conditions are fulfilled. Each property value expresses a number of conditions.

Value: auto | first | left | right | blank | first-left | first-right | blank-left | blank-right | first-<identifier> | left-<identifier> | right-<identifier> | blank-<identifier> | first-left-<identifier> | first-right-<identifier> | blank-left-<identifier> | blank-right-<identifier> | <identifier>
Initial: auto
Applies to: static regions
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
Applies to any page.
Applies if the page is a blank page. Blank pages can be generated, for example, when page breaks are forced to left or right pages.
Applies if the page is a blank and a left page.
Applies if the page is a blank and a right page.
Applies if the page is a blank and a named page, with the name set to the specified identifier.
Applies if the page is a blank, left and named page, with the name set to the specified identifier.
Applies if the page is a blank, right and named page, with the name set to the specified identifier.
Applies if the page is a first page.
Applies if the page is a first and a left page.
Applies if the page is a first and a right page.
Applies if the page is a first and a named page, with the name set to the specified identifier. When the document switches to a named page sequence, using the page property in the regular way, the first page of that sequence is a first page.
Applies if the page is a first, left and named page, with the name set to the specified identifier.
Applies if the page is a first, right and named page, with the name set to the specified identifier.
Applies if the page is a left page.
Applies if the page is a left and a named page, with the name set to the specified identifier.
Applies if the page is a right page.
Applies if the page is a right and a named page, with the name set to the specified identifier.
Applies if the page is a named page, with the name set to the specified identifier.


Value: false | true
Initial: false
Applies to: static top and bottom regions
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
The width of the region is reduced by the incursions of the left and right regions.
The height of the left and right regions is reduced by the incursions of this region.


Value: body | left | right | top | bottom | none
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements, but see prose
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
There should be one element with this value for the property. For the contents of this element the page sequences will be generated.
This element becomes the bottom static region. The pages for which this is the case can be limited through the page property.
This element becomes the left static region.
The element is not a region.
This element becomes the right static region.
This element becomes the top static region.

The static region elements should be the first child elements of the body region. In other words, they should precede all elements which are not static regions, otherwise their region property is ignored. The property is also ignored if there are no @page rules. In that case the default page set-up is generated.


Value: <integer>
Initial: 1
Applies to: table cells
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
Expresses the number of rows the table cell will span. The value must be larger than or equal to 1.


This property applies only if the leader-pattern property is specified as rule.

Value: none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge
Initial: solid
Applies to: leader elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
The rule is a series of short line segments.
The rule is a series of dots.
The rule is two solid lines. The sum of the two lines and the space between them equals the value of the rule-thickness property.
The rule looks as though it were carved into the canvas. (Top/left half of the rule's thickness is the color specified; the other half is white.)
No rule, forces rule-thickness to 0.
The opposite of groove, the rule looks as though it were coming out of the canvas. (Bottom/right half of the rule's thickness is the color specified; the other half is white.)
The rule is a single line segment.


This property applies only if the leader-pattern property is specified as rule.

Value: <length>
Initial: 1.0pt
Applies to: leader elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
The rule-thickness is always perpendicular to its length-axis. The rule is thickened equally above and below the line's alignment position.


Value: uniform | non-uniform
Initial: uniform
Applies to: graphic elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: intrinsic width
Media: print
Scaling need not preserve the intrinsic aspect ratio.
Scaling should preserve the intrinsic aspect ratio.


Value: auto | integer-pixels | resample-any-method
Initial: auto
Applies to: graphic elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: intrinsic width
Media: print
The User Agent is free to choose either resampling, integer scaling, or any other scaling method.
The User Agent should scale the image such that each pixel in the original image is scaled to the nearest integer number of device-pixels that yields an image less-then-or-equal-to the image size derived from the content-height, content-width, and scaling properties.
The User Agent should resample the supplied image to provide an image that fills the size derived from the content-height, content-width, and scaling properties. The user agent may use any sampling method.


Value: <identifier> | attr(X)
Initial: none, value required
Applies to: graphic elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
The qualified name of an attribute, the value of which is a URI. This type of value is deprecated, because it doesn't support namespace prefixes.
This returns the value of the attribute of the subject with the qualified name X. The CSS3 namespace prefixes are supported. The value is a URI.


Value: none | <identifier> contents | <identifier> <content>
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
No named string is set.
<identifier> contents
The string named by the identifier is set to the textual contents of the element.
<identifier> <content>
The string named by the identifier is set to the result of the evaluation of the expression in <content>. The syntax for the expression is the same as that for the content property.


Value: <identifier>
Initial: relative
Applies to: block elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
Specifies that the contents is to be centered horizontally.
If the page binding edge is on the left-edge, the alignment will be left. If the binding is on the right-edge, the alignment will be right. If neither, use left alignment.
Specifies that the contents is to be expanded to fill the available width.
Specifies that the contents is to be aligned on the left-edge.
If the page binding edge is on the left-edge, the alignment will be right. If the binding is on the right-edge, the alignment will be left. If neither, use right alignment.
If text-align is justify, then the alignment of the last line, and of any line ending in U+000A, will be left. If text-align is not justify, text-align-last will use the value of text-align.
Specifies that the contents is to be aligned on the right-edge.
Value: false | true
Initial: false
Applies to: tables
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
This property specifies that the footer should not be ommitted.
This property specifies that the footer should be ommitted.


Value: false | true
Initial: false
Applies to: tables
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: print
This property specifies that the header should not be ommitted.
This property specifies that the header should be ommitted.

Miscellaneous Specifications

The :blank Pseudo-class

The :blank pseudo-class is available to specify properties in the page context for blank pages. Those can be generated, for example, when pages are forced to start at the left or right.

The page And pages Counters

The page counter represents the current page number, while the pages counter represents the total number of pages in the document. Both can be used in static regions only. The page counter may be reset in the page context.

The page-ref Function

The page-ref function can be used in the content property. Its only parameter is either the qualified name of an attribute that contains the ID of another element, or the attr(X) function, where X is the qualified name of such an attribute. The former is deprecated, because it doesn't support CSS3 namespace prefixes, while the latter does. The function call will be replaced with the number of the page the target element is on.

The string Function

The string function produces the string that was saved with a string-set property. Its argument is the name used in a string-set property. If a named string is set more than once on a page, the first occurrence will be returned by the string function.

The footnote Counter Style

This counter style produces symbols in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, #, **, ††, ‡‡, §§. If the counter value if larger than the number of symbols in the preceding list, the * symbol is generated.

The pcw Unit

This unit is available for the width property of an element with display type table-column. It expresses the proportional width for a table column. The value should be divided by the sum of all the present proportional widths, which itself is equal to the width of the table minus all fixed column widths.

The @namespace Rule

With the @namespace rule a namespace can be declared, with or without a prefix. In the latter case it is the default namespace. The scope of a declared namespace is limited to the style sheet entity in which it is declared. The @namespace rule should come right after the @import rules if there are any and before all other rules. An @namespace rule has an optional prefix argument, which is an identifier, followed by a mandatory URI specification. Consult [CSS3S] to learn how namespaces work with selectors.

Embedding In An Application

API Specification

This class extends org.​xml.​sax.​helpers.​XMLFilterImpl. The source of the SAX events that are sent through the filter must be namespace aware. If it is an XML parser this option must be turned on.


public CSSToXSLFOFilter
( baseUrl, userAgentStyleSheet,
java.util.Map userAgentParameters,
boolean debug
) throws CSSToXSLFOException

The baseUrl is used to resolve relative URLs. This includes references to style sheets as well as other resources. Because of the latter the resulting XSL-FO document is not relocatable. The relative URLs in the input document are transformed into absolute ones using the baseUrl. This copes with the case where the input document is an anonymous stream that refers to style sheets in a relative way. The set of style sheets is then relocatable through the baseUrl.

If baseUrl is null no resolution of relative URLs will be done.

The default style sheet for the filter. It is used in the way described in section 6.4 of [CSS2]. If the parameter is null, a default style sheet for XHTML is used.
These are defined in section User Agent Parameters.
The parent filter. It must not be null.
If debug is true a number of debug files are dumped. They show the results of the internal processing steps.
public CSSToXSLFOFilter
( baseUrl, userAgentStyleSheet,
java.util.Map userAgentParameters,
) throws CSSToXSLFOException

Constructs the filter with debug set to false.

public CSSToXSLFOFilter
( baseUrl, userAgentStyleSheet,
) throws CSSToXSLFOException

Constructs the filter with an empty userAgentParameters map and debug set to false.

public CSSToXSLFOFilter
( baseUrl,
) throws CSSToXSLFOException

Constructs the filter with userAgentStyleSheet set to null, an empty userAgentParameters map and debug set to false.

public CSSToXSLFOFilter
) throws CSSToXSLFOException

Constructs the filter with baseUrl and userAgentStyleSheet set to null, an empty userAgentParameters map and debug set to false.

public CSSToXSLFOFilter
( baseUrl, userAgentStyleSheet,
java.util.Map userAgentParameters,
boolean debug
) throws CSSToXSLFOException

Constructs the filter without a parent.

public CSSToXSLFOFilter
( baseUrl, userAgentStyleSheet,
java.util.Map userAgentParameters
) throws CSSToXSLFOException

Constructs the filter without a parent and debug set to false.

public CSSToXSLFOFilter
( baseUrl, userAgentStyleSheet
) throws CSSToXSLFOException

Constructs the filter without a parent, an empty userAgentParameters map and debug set to false.

public CSSToXSLFOFilter( baseUrl) throws CSSToXSLFOException

Constructs the filter without a parent, userAgentStyleSheet set to null, an empty userAgentParameters map and debug set to false.

public CSSToXSLFOFilter() throws CSSToXSLFOException

Constructs the filter without a parent, baseUrl and userAgentStyleSheet set to null, an empty userAgentParameters map and debug set to false.


public getBaseUrl()

Returns the base URL of the filter. It is either set in a constructor or with the setBaseUrl method.

public java.util.Map getParameters()

Returns the User Agent parameters of the filter. They are either set in a constructor or with the setUserAgentStyleSheet method.

public getUserAgentStyleSheet()

Returns the User Agent style sheet of the filter. It is either set in a constructor or with the setUserAgentStyleSheet method.

public void setBaseUrl( baseUrl)

Sets the base URL of the filter. The base URL is used to resolve relative URLs in the input document. See also baseUrl.

public void setParameters(java.util.Map parameters)

Sets the User Agent parameters of the filter. See also userAgentParameters.

public void setUserAgentStyleSheet( userAgentStyleSheet)

Sets the User Agent style sheet of the filter. See also userAgentStyleSheet.

This class extends java.lang.Exception.


public CSSToXSLFOException(java.lang.Exception e)

This is just a wrapper around e.

public CSSToXSLFOException(java.lang.String message)

The parameter will be returned by the method getMessage.

This class contains a few convenience methods with which an XML filter set-up can be avoided, because they do it for you.


public static void convert
( baseUrl, userAgentStyleSheet, catalog,
java.util.Map userAgentParameters,[] preprocessors,
boolean validate,
boolean debug
) throws, CSSToXSLFOException
The input document. It must not be null.
The output document. It must not be null.
See baseUrl.
See userAgentStyleSheet.
The catalog used to resolve entities during XML parsing. It must have the format defined by SGML Open Technical Resolution TR9401:1997. Only the PUBLIC and SYSTEM keywords are supported. It may be null.
See userAgentParameters.
An array of XSLT style sheets. The input goes through them in the specified order and before the CSSToXSLFOFilter.
Turns on validation during XML parsing of the input document.
See debug.
public static void convert
( userAgentStyleSheet
) throws, CSSToXSLFOException

Calls the first variant of convert with baseUrl, catalog and preprocessors set to null, validate and debug set to false and an empty userAgentParameters map.

public static void convert
) throws, CSSToXSLFOException

Calls the first variant of convert with baseUrl, userAgentStyleSheet, catalog and preprocessors set to null, validate and debug set to false and an empty userAgentParameters map.


Since CSSToXSLFOFilter is derived from org.​xml.​sax.​helpers.​XMLFilterImpl., it implements all SAX event interfaces, as well as org.​xml.​sax.​XMLFilter. As a consequence, the filter can occur in input and output filter chains.

Example 1

The most straight-forward scenario is an application that reads the input document from a file and that writes an XSL-FO document into another file. For this we need an XML parser that can produce SAX events. The parser implements the org.​xml.​sax.​XMLReader interface, so we can make it the parent of CSSToXSLFOFilter.

In order to create a parser, we first have to set up the parser factory and make it namespace-aware. This happens at the lines 6 through 8. The filter can now be created with the input document as the base URL (in case any relative URLs need to be resolved) and an XML parser as its parent. This is done at the lines 9 through 14.

We now have to prepare the output part. We use an XSLT transformer without a style sheet to copy the SAX events to the output. The transformer must be in a form that accepts SAX events. This is why a javax.​xml.​transform.​sax.​TransformerHandler is created at lines 15 through 19. It implements the org.​xml.​sax.​ContentHandler interface. By giving it the output file as a result (lines 20 through 26), the SAX events are transformed in the XML syntax.

The input and output parts can now be connected by setting the content handler of the filter to the transformer handler (line 27). The whole chain is then activated by calling the parse method, passing it the input document in the form of a file. The filter will pass this call onto the parser, which is its parent. The parser starts producing SAX events that go through the filter and into the transformer handler.

 1 public class Example1
 2 {
 3   public static void
 4   main(String[] args) throws Exception
 5   {
 6     javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory	factory =
 7       javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance();

 8     factory.setNamespaceAware(true);

 9	filter =
10       new
11       (
12         new[0]).toURL(), // base URL.
13         factory.newSAXParser().getXMLReader()
14       );

15     javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler	handler =
16       (
17         (javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory)
18           javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance()
19       ).newTransformerHandler();

20     handler.setResult
21     (
22       new
23       (
24         new[1])
25       )
26     );

27     filter.setContentHandler(handler);

28     filter.parse
29     (
30       new org.xml.sax.InputSource
31       (
32         new[0])
33       )
34     );
35   }
36 }

Example 2

A variation of the previous example is to perform the transformation of the SAX events coming out of the filter to XML syntax in another way. In the previous example the parser had the control flow and the transformer acted as a handler of SAX events. We can also give the control flow to a transformer that reads the input and copies it to the output, because we don't give it any style sheet. We need to create a javax.​xml.​transform.​Transformer. It is done at lines 15 through 17. The actual transformation is launched at lines 18 through 32. For this to work, we have to wrap our filter in a javax.​xml.​transform.​sax.​SAXSource. For the transformer it is as if it is going to call an XML parser.

 1 public class Example2
 2 {
 3   public static void
 4   main(String[] args) throws Exception
 5   {
 6     javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory	factory =
 7       javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance();

 8     factory.setNamespaceAware(true);

 9	filter =
10       new
11       (
12         new[0]).toURL(), // base URL.
13         factory.newSAXParser().getXMLReader()
14       );

15     javax.xml.transform.Transformer	transformer =
16       javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance().
17         newTransformer();

18     transformer.transform
19     (
20       new javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
21       (
22         filter, // Acts as the XMLReader.
23         new org.xml.sax.InputSource
24         (
25           new[0])
26         )
27       ),
28       new
29       (
30         new[1])
31       )
32     );
33   }
34 }

Example 3

This example shows how a pre-processing step can be added to the filter chain. The input document is transformed by the pre-processor and the resulting SAX events go through the conversion filter. The pre-processor is created at lines 9 through 13. This one does nothing, i.e. it lets the events go through unmodified. In reality you would replace it with a class of your own.

The pre-processor instead of the filter is now initialised with the XML parser as its parent. The pre-processor will become the parent of the filter, as shown at line 18. When the parse method is called, the filter passes the call onto the pre-processor, which in turn passes it onto the parser. The SAX events produced by the parser will then flow through the pre-processor, which in turn forwards them, possibly modified, to the filter.

 1 public class Example3
 2 {
 3   public static void
 4   main(String[] args) throws Exception
 5   {
 6     javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory	factory =
 7       javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance();

 8     factory.setNamespaceAware(true);

 9     org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl	myPreprocessor =
10       new org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
11       (
12         factory.newSAXParser().getXMLReader()
13       );

14	filter =
15       new
16       (
17         new[0]).toURL(), // base URL.
18         myPreprocessor
19       );

20     javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler	handler =
21       (
22         (javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory)
23           javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance()
24       ).newTransformerHandler();

25     handler.setResult
26     (
27       new
28       (
29         new[1])
30       )
31     );

32     filter.setContentHandler(handler);

33     filter.parse
34     (
35       new org.xml.sax.InputSource
36       (
37         new[0])
38       )
39     );
40   }
41 }

Example 4

The previous example can be modified in such a way that the pre-processor is an XSLT style sheet. From this style sheet a org.​xml.​sax.​XMLFilter must be made, because it will sit between the XML parser and the filter. This is shown at lines 9 through 19. The transformer factory is re-used afterwards to create also the output handler.

 1 public class Example4
 2 {
 3   public static void
 4   main(String[] args) throws Exception
 5   {
 6     javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory	factory =
 7       javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance();

 8     factory.setNamespaceAware(true);

 9     javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory	trFactory =
10       (javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory)
11         javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance();

12     org.xml.sax.XMLFilter	myPreprocessor =
13       trFactory.newXMLFilter
14       (
15         new
16         (
17           new[2])
18         )
19       );

20     myPreprocessor.setParent
21     (
22       factory.newSAXParser().getXMLReader()
23     );

24	filter =
25       new
26       (
27         new[0]).toURL(), // base URL.
28         myPreprocessor
29       );

30     javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler	handler =
31       trFactory.newTransformerHandler();

32     handler.setResult
33     (
34       new
35       (
36         new[1])
37       )
38     );

39     filter.setContentHandler(handler);

40     filter.parse
41     (
42       new org.xml.sax.InputSource
43       (
44         new[0])
45       )
46     );
47   }
48 }

Example 5

In all previous examples we have been parsing an input document. In some applications, however, the data might come from somewhere else. It is possible, for example, to synthesize the XML from data that resides in the database. In such a scenario our filter no longer has a parent but becomes the SAX event handler of some system method, generateReport in this example.Note that a real system method would probably need more than just the filter to do its work. It would therefore have more parameters. This system method has the control flow. It fetches the data and generates the SAX events. In the case the generated XML stream is not suitable for CSS conversion, a pre-processor may be specified as the parent of the filter.

 1 public class Example5
 2 {
 3   public static void
 4   main(String[] args) throws Exception
 5   {
 6	filter =
 7       new;

 8     javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler	handler =
 9       (
10         (javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory)
11           javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance()
12       ).newTransformerHandler();

13     handler.setResult
14     (
15       new
16       (
17         new[0])
18       )
19     );

20     filter.setContentHandler(handler);
21     generateReport(filter);
22   }

23   private static void
24   generateReport(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler handler)
25   {
26   }
27 }

Example 6

It may be the case that you want to synthesize the XML stream in a system method, which needs the control flow, but that the interface of your XSL-FO formatter is such that it also needs the control flow. In other words, the formatter is not available in the form of a SAX event handler, but has some method that must be called to perform the actual formatting. At lines 21 through 31 there a hypothetical example of such a formatter.

To solve this control flow conflict you can create an adapter that implements the org.​xml.​sax.​XMLReader interface. Instead of actually parsing some XML you let both parse methods call your system method. The parameters the latter needs are passed through the constructor of the adapter. When the formatter now calls the parse method it really ends up calling the system method, which synthesizes the SAX events.

 1 public class Example6
 2 {
 3   public static void
 4   main(String[] args) throws Exception
 5   {
 6	filter =
 7       new
 8       (
 9         new MyReportGenerator(new Object())
10       );
11     MyXSLFOFormatter		myFormatter = new MyXSLFOFormatter();

12     myFormatter.format
13     (
14       new javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource(filter, null),
15       new[0]));
16   }

17   private static void
18   generateReport(Object context)
19   {
20   }

21   public static class MyXSLFOFormatter
22   {
23     public void
24     format
25     (
26       javax.xml.transform.Source source,
27 out
28     )
29     {
30     }
31   }

32   public static class MyReportGenerator
33     extends org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
34   {
35     private Object	context;

36     public
37     MyReportGenerator(Object context)
38     {
39       this.context = context;
40     }

41     public void
42     parse(org.xml.sax.InputSource input)
43       throws org.xml.sax.SAXException,
44     {
45       generateReport(context);
46     }

47     public void
48     parse(String systemId)
49       throws org.xml.sax.SAXException,
50     {
51       generateReport(context);
52     }
53   }
54 }

Some Techniques

A few practical cases of formatting contructs, which are either more advanced or not yet very common, are described in this chapter. Gradually, new cases will be added. The chapter is some sort of how to section in the user guide. The examples use XHTML as the input document language.

Customising List Labels With Markers

The genaration of the labels of an itemised list is somewhat fixed. It depends on the value of the list-style-type property.The list-style-image and list-style-position properties are not supported by this tool. Sometimes, however, more control is required over how the labels look like. This can be achieved through markers.

Basically, you have to specify a :before pseudo element with the display type marker in your style sheet for those elements you have given the display type list-item. Strictly speaking that display type is not needed, but if you are about to convert your existing lists, those elements would have that display type.

In the pseudo element you have control over the formatting of the label. The only exception is that the width property must be fixed. The tool doesn't support the automatic calculation of the required width. If your style sheet doesn't specify a width, a default value will be used. In order to not depend on this value, it is best to specify one.

The following example is an ordered list with a nested ordered list in the second item. We are going to change the numbering as well as the alignment of the labels.

    <li>Item 1</li>
    <li>Item 2
        <li>Subitem 1</li>
        <li>Subitem 2</li>
        <li>Subitem 3</li>
    <li>Item 3</li>

In the style sheet we say that the :before pseudo element of any li under a ol, no matter the level, is a marker. In there, we increment the counter that is reset for each level of ol. We also display it with the lower-roman counter style instead of the default style (decimal). This style will show the effect of the right alignment of the text inside the label. The marker-offset property provides for a bit of space between the label and the list item body.

The width property deserves special attention. First of all it defines the width of the labels. Since markers shouldn't influence the positioning of the element they are attached to, the labels would stick out to the left by the amount of the value of the width property. In order to compensate this, we have to add a margin-left with the same value to the list item itself.

  ol { counter-reset: list-counter; }
  ol li { margin-left: 2em; }
  ol li:before
    content: counter(list-counter, lower-roman) ".";
    counter-increment: list-counter;
    display: marker;
    marker-offset: 0.5em;
    text-align: right;
    width: 2em;

The rendered result would like this:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    1. Subitem 1
    2. Subitem 2
    3. Subitem 3
  3. Item 3

Making Section Numbers Stick Out

Sometimes the text of the section titles must be aligned with the rest of the material, at the left side for example. As consequence, if the titles also have section numbers, those will stick out at the left side of the title, into the margin, just like the title of the current section. This can be obtained by specifying a :before pseudo element for the section titles with the display type marker. Because markers shouldn't influence the positioning of their associated element, the marker content is prepended. This is the piece of style sheet you would need:

    display: marker;
    marker-offset: 0.5em;
    padding-right: 0pt;
    text-align: right;
    width: 3em;

This Guide's Page Set-up

The page set-up of this guide is rather advanced and is therefore an interesting practical case. The difficulty lies in specifying the static regions if there are many kinds of pages and if for each of those the static regions are different. i.e. very specific.

In order to avoid an explosion of CSS property specifications for all those regions, we can work in a sort of multidimensional way. This is possible through the combination of two things. First, we have the CSS cascading mechanism, which allows us to centralise common property specifications. Second, the can make use of the fact that the class attribute is a space-separated list of names. Because of this, an element can belong to several classes. These are the static regions of this guide:

  <div class="first top"/>
  <div class="title first bottom"/>
  <div class="title first top"/>
  <div class="copy-right first bottom"/>
  <div class="copy-right first top"/>
  <div class="left bottom"><span/></div>
  <div class="right bottom"><span/></div>
  <div class="left top"><span/></div>
  <div class="right top"><span/></div>
  <div class="front left bottom"><span/></div>
  <div class="front right bottom"><span/></div>
  <div class="blank bottom"/>
  <div class="blank top"/>

Neither of them has a lot of content. It is all generated using the span element as a hook. For the empty div elements no content will be generated. You can see that all regions belong to more than one class. The more classes they belong to, the more specific is the set of pages they apply to. This is one dimension. The other is whether the static region is a top or bottom region.

The first region, for example, is a bottom region that applies only to the first page of the named page sequence called title. This is expressed in the style sheet as follows:

    page: first-title;

The rule applies if class is title and first. This is more specific then the following page assignment which also occurs in the style sheet:

    page: first;

Another example is the pair of bottom regions for left and right pages. They apply for left and right pages, no matter the page sequence. For the front page sequence, however, there is a more specific version. Making it more specific is done by the two page assignments in the following style sheet part. The style of the bottom region of the front part is a bit different. It display the page numbers in lower Roman. The complete style is obtained by cascading all the rules for the class bottom. The first two rules define the style for all bottom regions and the last one overrides the counter style.

    height: 3em;
    padding-top: 2em;
    region: bottom;

  div.bottom > span:before
    content: counter(page);

    page: left-front;

    page: right-front;

  div.front.bottom > span:before
    content: counter(page, lower-roman);

For blank pages we want no static regions at all, at least not visually. The presence of the top and bottom regions is defined generally through the and div.bottom rules. As a consequence, no matter the page sequence, those static regions are always generated. All we have to do now is making sure they don't contain anything. This is done by the two empty regions with the class attribute set to blank top and blank bottom respectively. Those regions are assigned to blank pages with the following style sheet part:

    page: blank;

There is one more special construct left to discuss: the absence of static top regions on the first page of a chapter. As with blank pages they are not really absent. They are merely made empty. It is in fact the first region with the classes first and top. This region is assigned to the first pseudo page. All chapters are however in the named page sequence main. If we do nothing only the first page of the first chapter will have an empty top region. We therefore should toggle the page property without adding extra pages. This can be achieved by inserting an empty div element between the chapters with the class separator. The page assignment for that class is separator. This named page is not used for anything else. Since the element is empty no page sequence is generated. The next main element, however, will start a new page sequence.

After the front matter not only the page number style changes to decimal, but the page numbering is also reset. We can't just reset the page counter in the main page context, because then the numbering would be reset for each chapter. Instead, the style sheet defines a main-first @page rule, which contains the same definitions as main and a page counter reset on top of it. This page is assigned to the first chapter only, using the first-child pseudo-class on the h1 element.

A Two-column Article

Many articles and papers are formatted in two column mode. The title, abstract, authors, etc. are usually displayed across the two columns. With two extension properties it is possible to do this. The column-count should be set to 2 in the page context. The title material can be wrapped in a block element for which the column-span property is set to all.

Initial Capitals

A typographical effect that is often used are initial capitals. It consists of making the first letter of an article or chapter stand out by rendering it bigger and perhaps in another font and/or colour. In CSS this is supported through the :first-letter pseudo element, which is described in section 5.12.2 of [CSS2]. In CSSToXSLFO it is implemented with the restriction that letter combinations, which are considered as one letter, are not examined. In case you need that, you can always use the Unicode ligature characters instead.

The technique was applied to the previous paragraph using the piece of style sheet below. Note the second deviation from the specification being the usage of the property vertical-align while the float property has the value none. It is allowed in CSSToXSLFO because otherwise we have no control over the alignment of the first letter with the lines next to it. This depends on the font and will always require some trial and error in order to get it right. The values for the other properties are obtained in the same way. In fact, for this special case, we work around the normal way a glyph is layed out in a line.

    font-family: serif-swash;
    font-size: 46pt;
    font-style: italic;
    float: left;
    line-height: 46pt;
    padding-right: 6pt;
    margin-bottom: -12pt;
    vertical-align: 9pt;

Special Provisions for XHTML

While the tool works for any XML vocabulary it does a number of things for XHTML specifically. Other vocabularies may be supported in the same way at some later stage. The items are the following:

The User Agent Style Sheet


@import "xhtml.css";
@namespace url(;

@media print
    color: blue;
    link: attr(href);
    text-decoration: none;

    anchor: name;

  blockquote, dl, ol, p, ul
    margin: 0.83em 0pt;

    margin-left: 3em;
    margin-right: 3em;

    font-family: serif;
    padding: 0pt;
    region: body;

    quotes: "\00BB" "\00AB";

  body:lang(de-DE), body:lang(de-AT)
    quotes: "\201E" "\201C" "\201A" "\2018"

  body, body:lang(en), body:lang(es)
    quotes: "\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019";

    quotes: "\00AB " " \00BB" "\2039 " " \203A";

    quotes: "\00AB " " \00BB";

    quotes: "\201D" "\201D" "\2019" "\2019";

  body:lang(no), bodylang:(pt), body:lang(de-CH)
    quotes: "\00AB" "\00BB" "\2039" "\203A"

    quotes: "\00BB" "\00BB";

    margin: 0.5em 0pt;

    page-break-after: avoid;

    font-size: 1.6em;
    margin-bottom: 0.7em;
    margin-top: 1.4em;

    font-size: 1.3em;
    margin-bottom: 0.6em;
    margin-top: 1.2em;

    font-size: 1.1em;

  h3, h4
    margin-bottom: 0.5em;
    margin-top: 1em;

  h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
    hyphenate: false;

    border: 0.1pt solid;

    content-height: scale-to-fit;
    content-width: scale-to-fit;
    display: graphic;
    scaling: uniform;
    src: attr(src);

    margin-bottom: 0.8em;
    margin-top: 0.8em;

  li p, li blockquote, li dl, li ol, li ul
    margin-bottom: 0.5em;
    margin-top: 0.5em;

  li li
    margin-bottom: 0.5em;
    margin-top: 0.5em;

  li li p, li li blockquote, li li dl, li li ol, li li ul
    margin-bottom: 0.3em;
    margin-top: 0.3em;

  li li li
    margin-bottom: 0.4em;
    margin-top: 0.4em;

  li li li p, li li li blockquote, li li li dl, li li li ol,
    li li li ul
    margin-bottom: 0.3em;
    margin-top: 0.3em;

  li, p
    text-align: justify;

    font-size: 0.85em;

    list-style-type: disc;

  ol li ul, ul li ul
    list-style-type: circle;

  ol li ol li ul, ol li ul li ul, ul li ol li ul, ul li ul li ul
    list-style-type: square;

    content: close-quote;

    content: open-quote;

    display: none;

    padding-right: 1em;


@namespace deltaxml

@media print
  deltaxml|PCDATAnew, deltaxml|PCDATAold
    display: inline;

  deltaxml|exchange, deltaxml|new, deltaxml|old
    display: wrapper;

  *[deltaxml|delta="add"], deltaxml|PCDATAnew, deltaxml|new
    text-decoration: underline;

  *[deltaxml|delta="delete"], deltaxml|PCDATAold, deltaxml|old
    text-decoration: line-through;

  *[deltaxml|delta="add"]:before, deltaxml|PCDATAnew:before,
    deltaxml|new, *[deltaxml|delta="delete"]:before,
    deltaxml|PCDATAold:before, deltaxml|old
    change-bar-class: changed;
    change-bar-placement: alternate;
    change-bar-style: solid;
    change-bar-width: 0.2pt;

  *[deltaxml|delta="add"]:after, deltaxml|PCDATAnew:after,
    *[deltaxml|delta="delete"]:after, deltaxml|PCDATAold:after
    change-bar-class: changed;


@namespace xlink url(;

@media print
    link: attr(xlink|href);


Cascading Style Sheets, level 2, CSS2 Specification, W3C Recommendation 12 May 1998, Bert Bos, Håkon Wium Lie, Chris Lilley, Ian Jacobs,​TR/​1998/​REC-CSS2-19980512.
CSS3 Generated and Replaced Content Module, W3C Working Draft 14 May 2003, Ian Hickson,​TR/​2003/​WD-css3-content-20030514.
CSS3 module: Lists, W3C Working Draft 7 November 2002, Ian Hickson, Tantek Çelik,​TR/​2004/​WD-css3-lists-20021107.
CSS3 Paged Media Module, W3C Candidate Recommendation 25 February 2004, Håkon Wium Lie, Jim Bigelow,​TR/​2004/​CR-css3-page-20040225.
CSS3 Selectors, W3C Candidate Recommendation 13 November 2001, Daniel Glazman, Tantek Çelik, Ian Hickson,​TR/​2001/​CR-css3-selectors-20011113.
How DeltaXML Represents Changes to XML Files, DeltaXML Ltd.,​library/​how-deltaxml-represents-changes.html.
Namespaces in XML, W3C Recommendation 14 January 1999, Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, Andrew Layman,​TR/​REC-xml-names/.
XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition), W3C Recommendation 26 January 2000, revised 1 August 2002,​TR/​2002/​REC-xhtml1-20020801.
XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, W3C Recommendation 27 June 2001, Steve DeRose, Eve Maler, David Orchard,​TR/​2001/​REC-xlink-20010627.
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), Version 1.0, W3C Recommendation 15 October 2001, Sharon Adler, Anders Berglund, Jeff Caruso, Stephen Deach, Tony Graham, Paul Grosso, Eduardo Gutentag, Alex Milowski, Scott Parnell, Jeremy Richman, Steve Zilles,​TR/​2001/​REC-xsl-20011015/.
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), Version 1.1, W3C Working Draft 16 December 2004, Anders Berglund,​TR/​2004/​WD-xsl11-20041216/.